Author - Ceara Carrier

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About the Author:

Ceara Carrier is a successful multifaceted professional. A health and fitness coach, certified personal trainer, HR professional, and network marketer, she always knew she was going to be a success and live the “American Dream.” She had no idea, however, that her American Dream would be achieved by having the courage to step outside the cookie-cutter plan so many of us have followed.

Ceara’s passion for helping others to live the best life they can comes from transforming her own personal health and lifestyle. She knows that going it alone is rarely an approach that leads to success, and she believes there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Ceara’s business, C.C. Coaching, LLC, has as its motto “Healthy. It’s a lifestyle.” No matter how young, old, in shape or out of shape you are, Ceara believes that everyone can get fit, be fit, and stay fit. To learn more about what Ceara can do for you, visit her website and book your free consultation today.

Learn More About Ceara Carrie:

Be A Success Maverick

How Ordinary People Do It Different to Achieve Extraordinary Results

A Book Series From The Maverick Millionaire ® Publishing House

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