Author - Colleen Rekers

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About the Author:

Colleen Rekers is an innovative transformation leadership coach, dynamic speaker, international bestselling author, and serial entrepreneur, living the laptop lifestyle and running multiple lucrative businesses. She is certified life and wellness coach, an Integrative Health Practitioner, and an expert in several healing modalities. Her training, education, research, and life experience has catapulted her in the life, wellness, mindset, and personal development areas. With her unshakable belief and dedication to her clients, their success is evitable.

Residing in Northern California with her family of nine, Colleen passionately serves clients all around the world. She is known as a supermom for her ability to empower women to obtain a higher degree of personal, professional, and financial freedom, allowing them to overcome overwhelm, find joy, and show up confidently and stronger than ever for themselves and their families.

Learn More About Colleen Rekers:

Be A Success Maverick

How Ordinary People Do It Different to Achieve Extraordinary Results

A Book Series From The Maverick Millionaire ® Publishing House

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