Author - Ellen Myers

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About the Author:

Ellen followed Joseph Campbell's advice, “Follow Your Bliss,” while taking his workshop in NYC. Bliss meant following her creative awareness, curiosity, and joy in order to contribute meaning. As a fine art consultant for many years, she helped private collectors and museums fill in their collections. She has been a journalist, contributing articles to The New York Times, as well as her local weekly, Dan’s Papers of the Hamptons. She bred and showed Briard dogs internationally, becoming the most awarded breeder of tawny Briards in Europe from North America in her era. Her book and articles written for international magazines received positive attention. In addition to being an actress, she has produced seven plays. She is a producer of the current streaming series, THE ACCIDENTAL WOLF, nominated for an Emmy during its' first season. She is currently producing a large scale historical drama for television.She believes if Michelangelo saw,The Pieta in a hunk of marble, her vision of an epic story arose while digging into a chunk of time, a story, sculpted from lives ambered by history. Collaborating with diverse talents and leaning on a few central themes, she hopes to make a profound impact on people, long after they stop being merely the audience. She has studied business with Tony Robbins and Bob Proctor.The Extreme Team of early Warren Miller film fame led her into their clinics. She came out, a helicopter-able skier. She is certified to teach Mudra work in Yoga.

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