Author - Katerina Finck

About Author

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About the Author:

Katerina Finck 19’, is a model and actress, studying Advertising Marketing Communications (AMC) at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. She is originally from a small town in Connecticut, and grew up with 5 siblings, all of which are twins. From a family of 3 sets of twins, each member has added great value to who she is today and her pursuits for the future and has grown to be a diverse individual. Katerina is a strong motivated, independent individual who believes in order to create results one must take action and work toward their future desires. This belief has lead her to 4.0 GPA in college, multiple internship/job opportunities, and a trip to China for 32 days working one on one with one of the elite marketing/advertising companies in the world. Katerina’s future entails earning her BA degree, and MA in AMC, and acquiring a full-time position with a PR firm.

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