Author - Kelly Carter

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About the Author:

Kelly Carter specializes in various genres of coaching. She has coached many clients in their entrepreneurial, real estate and marketing pursuits. In the last five years her main focus is more personal results driven. "What is it you are looking for and how can you get there?"

Kelly held a prominent position at 17-years-old in Corporate America. Despite her young age, people naturally gravitated into her space seeking answers or new directions for growth, both personally and professionally. Being a natural leader, she has combined her life experiences and continued studies to achieve the maximum success of those whom she has trained, taught, coached and/or managed. Kelly truly touches the lives of those she encounters.

In 2006, entering into the seminar world in the areas of personal development, she learned about life strategies for personal power, health, relationship and more. Kelly then broadened her understanding by moving into hypnosis, where she has incorporated a deeper understanding of of how the mind works, why people do what they do and what causes real change. Constantly emphasizing the importance of a positive mindset, Kelly consistently inspires those she encounters to achieve their desired results regardless of circumstance.

Be A Success Maverick

How Ordinary People Do It Different to Achieve Extraordinary Results

A Book Series From The Maverick Millionaire ® Publishing House

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