Author - Maritza Aulestia

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About the Author:

Maritza Aulestia, also known as The Purpose Driven Leader, is a progressive-visionary coach, public speaker and Human Resources (HR) professional focused on evolving businesses through human acceleration.

25 years of corporate experience with leaders globally, at different organizational levels, allow her to combine her technical expertise with a wide range of disciplines to accelerate human potential.

Driving the company’s effective and efficient business execution through their most important asset, its people.

In 2010, she arrived to a U.S.A headquarters environment which brought many insights to her and ignited a profound need and search for more meaningful contribution opportunities.

This led to certifications in a wide range of disciplines that complemented her HR expertise such as Systems Dynamics (also known as Family Constellations), Coaching, Meditation, Yoga, Leadership, Management and more. She adeptly draws from all these sources of knowledge to discover, guide, and advice those she works with. Maritza’s customized approach accelerates individual and team dynamics at different stages of their careers and business cycles. She supports leaders articulate their purpose so work becomes a propeller of their life vision

A perfect symbiosis where the individual and company mutually benefit from a higher level of purpose, commitment and better quality results.

Learn More About Maritza Aulestia:

Be A Success Maverick

How Ordinary People Do It Different to Achieve Extraordinary Results

A Book Series From The Maverick Millionaire ® Publishing House

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