Author - Mark Jarema

About Author

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About the Author:

Mark Jarema is an author, speaker, instructor and personal empowerment coach and has trained tens of thousands of people in over 25 countries to empower their greatness. He has a passion for helping people disrupt their thinking to take their lives to the next level. Mark is a highly regarded speaker for the U.S. Intelligence Community. He has delivered motivational, behavioral style and leadership seminars to employees of the National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Defense Intelligence Agency, (DIA), U.S. State Department and many others. He is author of the books, College Disconnect: Challenging America's Love Affair with Higher Education and Hit Your Mark & Live The Life You Love. Born in Maryland, he treasures his time with friends, family and cheering for the Baltimore Orioles.

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