Author - Marshall Sylver

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About the Author:

You may know Marshall Sylver as the number one leading expert on subconscious reprogramming and irresistible influence. For more than thirty-five years, Sylver has entertained, educated, and transformed the lives of thousands of people. He is the author of Passion, Profit, and Power, and through infomercials has sold over a million copies of his personal development programs worldwide.

He has led training programs for IBM, Ford, KFC, and Pepsi, teaching the management of these leading corporations how to motivate employees while also teaching staff how to easily produce higher sales. Sylver has been named The Millionaire Maker™ and is one of the most sought-after keynote speakers to date.

He has been invited to teach on other speaker’s platforms, including Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Bill Clinton, and Robert Allen. Sylver motivates people to take action in the present moment and change their lives in a positive way forever. And now Sylver is itching for a bigger challenge and on a mission to win a NOBEL PRIZE for single-handedly turning around the economy of the United States.

With this mission in mind, Sylver has created a whole new curriculum, as well as a business opportunity where his students are now able to profit up to 70 percent gross of each sale of his new programs. Certainty Inc, Sylver’s latest masterpiece, is a coalition of individuals committed to help one another create abundance in their lives as well as help solve all of the world’s financial challenges through education.

Be A Success Maverick

How Ordinary People Do It Different to Achieve Extraordinary Results

A Book Series From The Maverick Millionaire ® Publishing House

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