Author - Michael Vallee

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About the Author:

Michael Vallee has a Ph.D. in linguistics. His research has led him to analyze the words people use to describe their work environment. He came to the conclusion there is often difficulty at work, the idea of being stuck, stressed out, the impossibility of having a more balanced life and the feeling of not having enough time. He tried to analyze why the workplace was so difficult, which prompted him to wonder if there were a different way of considering work to escape the rat race, going from one paycheck to another. And the good news is: he found one!! This research encouraged him to become a motivational speaker and coach to help people understand what they need to accomplish to change their lives and significantly increase their income.

He is passionate and eager to teach his knowledge and techniques to tell people: YES, it is possible to do things differently, get rid of the stress of the workplace and increase your wealth and, most of all, enjoy your life and family.

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Be A Success Maverick

How Ordinary People Do It Different to Achieve Extraordinary Results

A Book Series From The Maverick Millionaire ® Publishing House

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