Author - Paul Brown

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About the Author:

Paul Brown is a happy father of three beautiful, brilliant children. He founded Servant Leadership Charities in order to provide sustainable systems of reliable water for all people by 2034 in Jesus’ name. Paul also runs Servant Leadership Properties in order to fund the expenses of the nonprofit by providing quality housing and creative real estate solutions for people in transition. In one short year, He has quickly become the local expert on Quality Rooming Houses and maximizing real estate profits. He lives in the Memphis, TN area which he often refers to as Gotham City.

He enjoys making unexpected comments during meetings, dancing, traveling, insinuating that he’s Batman, speaking, working out, reading, writing, and spending time with & helping people. When Paul isn’t engaged in the above, he is coaching his students in Real Estate Investing and Mindset Success, making funny remarks to strangers, or contemplating new strategies for friendly, gentle, and loving world domination. His favorite questions to ask others are “What’s your Why?” and “How may I help you?” How can Paul help you?

Learn More About Paul Brown:

Be A Success Maverick

How Ordinary People Do It Different to Achieve Extraordinary Results

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