Author - Stephen Finck

About Author

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About the Author:

I am a sophomore at Franklin & Marshall College part of the graduating class of 2022 with an intended double major in business and psychology with a strong interest in how these two fields impact marketing and management. I have been running competitively on cross country and track & field teams since my freshman year of high school and continue to be a student-athlete at F&M as a division III level throughout the school year and run extensively every day during the summer. On top of this, I work as the product and finance manager at an on-campus late-night eatery in which I order and stock the food needed on a weekly basis, analyze the expenses while utilizing Quickbooks, and adjust the menu items and prices to ensure the most effective cost to profit ratios are met. In the past, I have worked at Chick-Fil-A and Dick’s Sporting Goods to gain work experience in both food services and retail from major corporations. In the future, I hope that my past experience paired with my growing knowledge of the business world will allow me to land internships and job opportunities that further allow me to learn through my experiences.

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How Ordinary People Do It Different to Achieve Extraordinary Results

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